Thursday, January 31, 2013

Random and not so...Irene Nemirovsky

I've been grateful lately to have such interesting work and non-profit projects that I don't have much time to read. Here you can see some of the random things I saw in the past few weeks. The metal work above prompted me to think about a client's swing. The bumper sticker below made me long for Sweden and its forests!

A good friend was generous enough to lend me this biography about the great writer, Irene Nemirovsky, who died in Auschwitz. If you haven't read her novel, Suite Francaise (about the German Occupation of Paris), you must. Equally fascinating is her Elizabeth Gille's book, The Mirador:Dreamed Memories of Irene Nemirovsky by her Daughter. These are perfect winter reading when it's dark and there is time to reflect on history and the human condition.

What are you reading???

And thank you all for the emails about my last post. Yes, bulbs were poking through until this past week of wacko weather: freezing, spring-like, rain, ice, snow and now super cold again. We set a new record and went almost a year without an inch of snowfall...obviously: not good news. We are still in drought. One can hope. And practice sustainable life components.


Altoon Sultan said...

I'm rereading, after many years, the remarkable "Let Us Now Praise Famous Men", a poetic rumination on the lives of tenant farmers in the South in the 1930s.

Julie Siegel said...

I should reread that! Still remember Agee and Evans' book from my childhood, an advantage of having artist parents :)