Saturday, September 8, 2012

Weeding Inspiration

Usually, I don't mind weeding. In fact, I find it soothing because in this world, there's not much you can do that provides immediate satisfaction like weeding does. But with the extreme drought this summer, weeding was challenging. So, I was looking forward to our seasonal weather shift...which seems to be happening (cooler temps and some rain)...after returning from Sweden. Of course, now I have too much work, so every time I walk our dog, I am tortured by signs of my own pathetic garden stewardship. I put the image above (from my March trip to AFOPADI...see their updated Guatemala) as my iPhone screensaver in the hopes of inspiration.

1 comment:

Liz Muir said...

Your blog just gets better and better, Julie. Scrolling through just now was such a pleasure because you so consistently offer substantive food for thought and a feast for the eyes.