Saturday, April 26, 2008

Saving Rare Plant Species

This image from Tucson Botanical Garden connects to an interesting plant story I heard this morning on our NPR station (yes, I listen to NPR, although it has generally become too corporate for me and yes, I do eat meat, mostly rare).

The program, Living On Earth (broadcast locally way too early on Sat. so that most people are not awake enough to hear it while "Market Place" plays during very prominent time slots) played a rebroadcast and update of interviews with Diana Beresford Kroger. She is a gardener & botanist (with large knowledge of medicinal plants) in Ontario, Canada who made heroic efforts to save some rare tree species during an ice storm ten years ago. Check out LOE's website and click on the story, "Ice Lady Commeth" (linking to that title, I will now probably get more porn comments on this blog, ugh!). I was especially intrigued to hear her comments on reforesting given my work with Earthways and AFOPADI in Guatemala. Earthways website is being updated as we speak (figuratively) and I will post URL as soon as new text and 2008 Annual Report are updated.

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