Thursday, August 22, 2013

Illumination: I am Bradley Manning

Why am I showcasing this beautiful bloom on Franklinia alatamaha that we planted for a client this season? Because, in my mind, beauty and illumination are intertwined. This wonderful tree was named for Ben Franklin who embodied many of the early values of this country that are vital, in my opinion, to a functional Democracy. Transparency and debate are included in those values.

With that, I urge you to watch the video: "I am Bradley Manning." It's just a coincidence that I found about it today, the day after Manning's 35-year sentence and the day we learn that Manning's attorney says Manning wants to live the rest of his life as a woman, Chelsea. I can't imagine how hard it must be to live in society without the truth of what one feels is one's true gender. To me, that must be like trying to grow an authentic English Garden (that wants temperate, rainy, non-extreme conditions) in our Midwestern Prairie and Urban Soils.

Your thoughts?

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