Monday, March 8, 2010

Snowmelt & Spring

Snowdrops in a favorite friend's & client's garden in the suburbs north of Chicago: the clumps actually stand out better in the snow.

Snowdrops in my neighbor's (Joann's) garden. She is no longer with us but, each spring, her bulbs continue to remind me of her and what she left us that endures.

Daffodils poking up in one of the most taxing corners of my garden. Brownie Heuchera was planted last fall and looks great...especially against "winter interest" (purple pot with rock).


Altoon Sultan said...

The snow is retreating here in northern Vermont also. My snowdrops are still under the huge snowpile in front of the porch, formed from snow falling off the roof; I should plant some in a more open spot.

so, what's under that purple flowerpot?

Julie Siegel said...

Nothing. When I planted these few new perennials last fall (after a great tour from one of my growers), I upended the three empty purple pots in my little garden for "color."
Already growing are some tiny sedum, the existing English ivy, some spiderwort and the Annabelle Hydrangeas were starting to green up where I cut them back. Front is south-facing but will shortly be under shade from the evil Bradford Pear and the appreciated but struggling Red Oak on the city parkway.
The north-facing backyard, however, is still under a foot of snow.