Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Fower Petals

I was walking home and passed under a very mature Crab Apple. What stopped me in my tracks was actually the fragrance. It was wonderful: not too sweet or cloying. Years ago it was planted by a neighbor who played in the Chicago Symphony. But since he retired and moved to Maine, I can't ask him for ID.

But the petals on the ground were very Japanese. And I felt might evoke all the sentiments that accompany cherry blossoms. 

Later that day, my husband texted me this photo he took of a wildflower in Red Rock Canyon outside Vegas. I don't know what it is, but can imagine how it might stand out to a bird amidst all that grey and bits of green I walked in two weeks ago.

The shape of its petals makes me believe it is attractive to nectar-seeking birds. So, if you know of any in that part of the Mojave: do tell.


Altoon Sultan said...

The pink flower petals strewn on green and gray is such a lovely sight. Wonderful photo! and the red flower certainly flames bright.

Julie Siegel said...

I could see it as one of your abstract ruglets, Altoon!

Lynn Miller said...

Even thought it arrived early this year, this spring is one of the most beautiful I can remember. Loved the photo, Julie, and Nevada looks compelling, too.

Julie Siegel said...

Isn't that funny Lynn: This spring has made me nuts: everything blooming at once and out-of-sequence and under drought. Just goes to show it's all about perspective!