Sometimes things turn out better than expected. That was the case when I was interviewed by the Chicago Tribune reporter, Barbara Mahany, . She wanted five Design Tips that homeowners can incorporate when they want to embody Jens Jensen's spirit in their gardens. We had a lively conversation which was faithfully recreated this past Sunday. Read the whole article, "Prairie inspiration," but in particular the second section, "Embracing Jensen close to home." I later heard high praise for Barbara from a client who had been interviewed by her previously. She notes that Mahany is "an unusual reporter in that she wants to tell the story from the people's point of view and weave in her points in and around. She allows herself to be informed by the process."I agree and appreciate.
In my previous post, I noted that you couldn't really experience the wind's movement in the photo. So I amend that here, by showing wind in the willow. Took this about a month ago at Jensen's renovated Prairie River during my last walking tour, the second one I led this year in Humboldt Park as part of Dina Petrakis' A Year In Humboldt Park which I believe only continues through 10/29.
Wonderful article, and clear strong advice from you. I wish I could be there to go on one of your garden walks; maybe someday...
Thanks Altoon! Interviews, walks and talks always interesting opportunities to clearly focus and articulate one's ideas. Reminds me of my years around theater: nothing like having an audience to hear what (and how) we are saying. And if makes sense.
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