Friday, May 22, 2009

Yea May!

Seeing the the sky through an Oak leafing out through a Japanese Maple.

Being amused by the spring bloom on the Crabs seen through the Chicago Botanic Garden's summer parking lot sign.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Emerging Foliage

Everything rapidly greening now, but not when I took these ten days ago: Tri-colored Beech & BailTiger Sumac.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Art at The Armory: Ernesto Neto

Ah, the Arts in NYC! Wish I was in Manhattan to see Ernesto Neto's Installation at The Armory...

Meantime here's a memory from another terrific creation: Christo's February 2005 Orange Gates in Central Park. I had to live vicariously through my husband's photography & stories of the amazing comraderie he experienced while walking its course.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Olympia Mothers of Invention

I have never been to Olympia, Washington, but for many years I have appreciated two artists who live there: Nikki McClure & Stella Marrs. A friend from Washington State gave us a Nikki McClure calendar five years ago and now it's an annual ritual to purchase ours plus a few for new converts. Nikki McClure does not shy away from tough topics (see May "Witness" above), she has a real feel for nature and her graphic style always shows me a new perspective. As a postcard collector since I was 12, I have long had a stack of Stella Marrs' hip environmental postcards. The one below lists the top ten commercial fruits & veggies with the highest amounts of pesticide concentration and toxicity. Thanks to this postcard, I ONLY buy organic strawberries as they head the list.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Ostrya virginiana

I and the birds are really enjoying the difference a month
makes in the life cycle of this wonderful native tree.