Visited this great community garden, Dunbar Spring, in Tucson. Near the visionary house & garden of Brad Lancaster whose inspiring book, Rainwater Harvesting (Volume 1) is my current lunchtime companion.
Below I captured the Devil's Claw (Proboscidea parviflora) in two different moods...and not when it's hitchhiking. Don't let its vinelike qualities fool you as it did me. Long known to the Tohono O'odam, it is a summer blooming wildflower that they use to create their fine basketry.
Definitely evidence to back up our Millennium Park hero, Piet Oudolf's, category of Plants That Look Good Dying...or maybe best laid-out. Maybe this could illustrate the theme song of the recently concluded, fabulous HBO series: The Wire. "When you walk through the garden...gotta keep the devil way down in a hole..." We will miss much more than the song: Thanks!